Privacy policy

The privacy and security of your personal data are a priority for LANVIN, and that is why, in addition to collecting and managing them with great care, we take specific measures to ensure they are kept safe. The following information sets out the main ways in which LANVIN processes your personal data when you visit the website and use the services on offer.

Please also read our “Cookie Policy”, the “Terms of Use” of the LANVIN website and our “General Terms of Sale”, which contain detailed information about the terms of our services.



Who is the data controller?

JEANNE LANVIN, a French limited company with a corporate capital of 16,297,330.00 euros, registered in the commercial register of Paris under number 612 048 629 and whose registered office is at 22 rue du Faubourg Saint Honoré – 75008 Paris (“LANVIN”), is the Data Controller, i.e. the party which decides why and how your personal data are processed.

You may contact LANVIN at any time at the above address or via our Customer Service.

Who is the Data Protection Officer?

LANVIN has appointed a Data Protection Officer.

If you wish, for any request relating to the protection of your personal data or to exercise your rights, you can contact LANVIN’s Data Protection Officer (DPO) at the Data Controller’s address above or by writing to our Customer Service.



The categories of personal data collected and processed by LANVIN when you visit the website or make your purchases on it are the following:

·       we collect the personal data needed to complete your purchase on, such as your last name and your first name, your email address, your delivery address, your invoice address, your country, your telephone number, and your payment information;

·       we collect your email address, your last name and first name, and your consent when you sign up for our newsletter service;

·       we process the personal data that you provide when you contact our Customer Service, in order to provide you with the requested assistance;

·       with your agreement, we collect and use your personal data for our marketing communications;

·       to identify you on your customer account, we collect your last name and your first name, your email address, your telephone number, your country, your password and your email preferences. With your express agreement and through the analysis of your personal data, we can process information regarding your areas of interest and preferences with respect to our products and services, in order to communicate offers and proposals to you which are in line with your tastes;

·       we collect information about your visit to, such as the pages you view and how you interact with them, and we keep this information on our servers.

Note that LANVIN does not process the personal data of minors. By accessing and by using the services of LANVIN, you state that you are over 18 years of age.



LANVIN collects and processes your personal data for the following purposes:

·       to enter into and perform the purchase contract for the products offered for sale on the website. When you buy a product, we ask you for the personal data needed to finalize and perform the contract in question, such as payment checks and the related anti-fraud controls if you choose to pay by credit/debit card, invoicing and product delivery information, and the possible management of a return.

·       to register on the website and enable you to use the services reserved for registered users. Registration on the website is possible by entering personal information, required to identify you and to perform the services offered to registered users.

·       to provide you with the services offered on For this purpose, LANVIN must collect, for each of the proposed services, the personal data required for performing the service that you are requesting.

·       manage requests made to our Customer Service which uses the personal data that you provide to respond to your requests for information and assistance.

·       manage your personal résumés. If you send in your personal résumé to apply for a position, LANVIN undertakes to use the information it contains for this purpose only. The personal data relating to your application may be communicated to third-party suppliers of hiring and job application software. Your personal résumé will be kept for a maximum period of 2 years after which it will be erased. If you wish, you may, of course, send us a new updated version.

·       make analyses and compile statistics. We use information about your use of the website, your browsing habits, and your use of the services offered, in order to make analyses and compile statistics for improving our offering and our services.

·       provide marketing communications to you following the purchase of one of our products. Following the purchase of one of our products on the website, we will send you, to the email address provided to conclude the order, commercial communications relating to similar products and services.

·       with your express consent, we may use the contact information provided for marketing communications relating to our products and services to keep you informed of the latest news, innovations, exclusive products, and our special and promotional offers. Moreover, again with your agreement, we may use your contact information for market research and customer satisfaction surveys to improve our services and our relationship with our users.

·       solely with your agreement, LANVIN will customize your experience on by offering you preview showings and offers in line with your areas of interest and sharing customized marketing communication and promotional offers.

·       you may stop these communications at any time by clicking on the “Unsubscribe” link at the bottom of each communication, by contacting LANVIN via our Customer Service, or by writing to the above address. Note that you will perhaps receive other communications after having made your request since some communications may have already been planned and our systems require a period of 24 to 48 hours to process your request.

·       within the context of all of the above activities, we will process personal data mainly using automatic and electronic devices that meet high-security criteria that comply in full with current legislation.



When creating your customer account, LANVIN offers you the following services.

·       Registration information: view and change your personal contact information, your email address, and your password.

·       My orders: enter your order number to see the list of products that you have ordered and to obtain information about their shipment.

·       Address book: keep your delivery addresses safe to be able to place your orders quickly.

·       Wish list: create your ideal wardrobe, the customized collection of your favorite items. Register up to 50 items from among those you would like the most, in order to track their availability and add them directly to your Cart.

·       With your express consent, we may use your marketing communications’ contact information to also offer you our products and services, keep you up-to-date with news, innovations, our special and promotional offers, and market research aimed at assessing your level of satisfaction and improving our service offering.

·       Solely with your express agreement, LANVIN may customize, in line with your areas of interest, your experience, and the content of the commercial communications and offers that you receive when visiting as a registered user. This activity enables you to look for products and services matching your areas of interest more easily while enabling us to improve the offers that we make to you. This customization is made possible by analyzing your personal data in our possession, described in the paragraph “What personal data do we collect?”. In particular, the information about the purchases that you have made in the past and those relating to the sections of the website that you visit the most often or the services that you use the most often, allow us to understand what products and services are the most interesting for you.

·       To ensure that the information in our possession is correct and to enable us to carry out the activities described above satisfactorily, please review the personal information contained in your account and update it if necessary.



We process your personal data only if one of the legal bases laid down by the legislation in force applies to them, and, in particular:

·       to finalize and perform a contract in which you are a party. When we process your data on this basis, we take care to use only the least information required to perform the contract. This legitimate basis for processing personal data takes place for the following activities:

o   finalization and performance of a contract for the purchase of products offered for sale on;

o   registration on the website and use of the services reserved for registered users;

o   the performance of services offered on;

o   management of your requests by our Customer Service.

The provision of your personal data for these activities is a contractual obligation. You do not have to communicate your data, but if you do not do so, it will not be possible to finalize and perform the contract and your requests.

In compliance with a legal obligation. If a contract for the purchase of products is finalized on, user data will be processed to effect LANVIN’s legal obligations. You do not have to finalize a contract and disclose your data, but they are necessary to finalize it and they will be processed to effect LANVIN’s above-mentioned legal obligations.

·       Processing unsolicited personal résumés, performed for the purpose of assessing applicants to possibly fill a position at LANVIN is legitimate, since it is expressly permitted by a legal provision which specifies that, in this case, the consent of the person to which the personal data relate, is not necessary. You do not have to share your personal résumé with us, but if you do not do so, we will be unable to assess your application for a position at LANVIN.

·       Due to our legitimate interest. Some of your personal data if you purchase products on will be processed as part of the fight against fraud: we have a legitimate interest in carrying out this activity to prevent and take judicial action against fraudulent activity. For internal administrative purposes, personal data may be processed by other companies of the Group to which LANVIN belongs.

·       On the basis of your agreement. We will perform the following processing only with your express consent:

o   marketing activities and market research;

o   the analysis of your browsing data and purchase habits in order to customize your experience on the website.

The provision of your personal data for these activities is optional. You do not have to provide your data for these purposes, but if you do not do so LANVIN will be unable to carry out marketing activities or market analyses and research.



Your personal data will be processed by LANVIN in-house staff, specifically trained for this purpose and who hold the required authorizations. During the processing activities, personal data may be processed by other companies of the Group to which LANVIN belongs.

Your personal data may also be transfered to third parties we task with providing our services. These third parties have been carefully selected and offer a guarantee of compliance with the data protection regulations. These third parties have been chosen to process data, and they perform their activities according to LANVIN’s instructions and under its control.

The third parties in question belong to the following categories: website operators, banking operators, Internet service providers, IT companies, carriers, marketing companies, companies specialized in market analysis and research.

In accordance with the law, your data may be disclosed to police, judicial and administrative authorities as part of judicial investigations and actions, the fight against threats to public security, to enable LANVIN to establish, exercise or defend a right in the courts, and for other reasons relating to the protections of the rights and freedoms of others.



Some third parties identified in the “Who processes your data?” paragraph may be established in countries outside of the European Union which nevertheless offer a satisfactory degree of data protection, as stipulated by specific decisions of the European Commission.

The transfer of your personal data to countries not belonging to the European Union and not providing a satisfactory degree of protection will only take place after finalization between LANVIN and the said third parties of specific agreements containing safeguard clauses and satisfactory guarantees regarding the protection of your personal data, known as “standard contractual clauses”, approved by the European Commission, or in the event of the need to transfer data to finalize and perform a contract between you and LANVIN (for the purpose of purchasing products offered on our website, for registration on the website or the use of services on the web site) or for managing your requests.



We retain your personal data for a limited time, which varies depending on the type of activity that involves the processing of your personal data. On the expiration of this period, your data will be permanently erased or irreversibly made anonymous.

Your personal data are stored in accordance with the terms and criteria specified below.

·       Data collected to conclude and perform contracts for the purchase of products on until finalization of the administrative and accounting formalities. The invoicing data will be retained for 10 years from the invoice date:

·       Payment information: until authentication of the payment and finalization of the related administrative and accounting formalities, subsequent to the expiration of the withdrawal right and payment dispute terms;

·       Data collected when using services offered on these data are retained until the service has been canceled or the user has requested to be unsubscribed from the service;

·       Data linked to requests made by users to our Customer Service: the data used to help you are retained until the request is met;

·       Personal résumé: two years from receipt;

·       Data used for marketing activities: these data are retained until a request for unsubscription from the service is received by the user and,

o   5 years after the last interaction of any kind with a customer;

o   5 years after the last interaction of any kind with a prospect.

This duration is justified by different purchasing behaviors in the luxury sector;

Data provided for marketing activities, market research and satisfaction surveys: until the request by the user to stop the activity or two years after the last interaction between the user and LANVIN;

Cookie data used to customize the website and offer you customized sales offers: until the request by the user to stop the activity or 13 months after the last interaction between the user and LANVIN.

In all cases, for technical reasons, suspension of the processing and the subsequent erasure or irreversible anonymization of personal data will occur within thirty days after the above-stated periods.



You may exercise your rights to the specific processing of your personal data by LANVIN at any time. Below is a general description of these rights and how to exercise them.

o   Access and change to your data: you may access your personal data and request they are corrected, changed or accompanied by other information. If you wish, we will provide you with a copy of the data in our possession.

o   Withdrawal of your consent: you may withdraw the consent that you have given us to process your personal data for marketing activities at any time. In this regard, please note that marketing activities means the sending of promotional and commercial communications and the conduct of market research and satisfaction surveys for the purpose of improving our services. Once your request has been received, we will quickly stop processing your personal data covered by this consent while continuing to process those which are not, or whose legal basis permits us to process them according to the provisions in force.

o   Objection to the processing of your data: you may object to your personal data being processed based on our legitimate interest, at any time, explaining the reasons for your objection; LANVIN will review these reasons before accepting your request.

o   Erasure of your date: in the cases provided for by the current legislation, you may request the erasure of your personal data. After receipt and examination of your request, if it is legitimate, we will quickly stop processing your personal data and erase them.

o   Limitation on processing your personal data: in this case, LANVIN will continue to store your personal data without processing them, except in the event of another request or an exception provided for by law. Limitation of the processing may be obtained when you contest the accuracy of your personal data, where this processing proves to be unlawful but you object to the erasure of your data, when processing your data is no longer necessary but you need it to establish, exercise or defend legal claims and when you object to the processing, pending verification of the reasons for your request.

o   Receipt of your data and transfer to a party other than LANVIN (data portability right). You can ask to receive your data that we process on the basis of your agreement or on the basis of a standard format contract entered into with us. If you so wish, and if this is technically possible, we can transfer your data directly to a third party that you indicate to us.

o   Decision regarding the use of your personal data after your death.

You may exercise the above-described rights by accessing your customer account, by writing to our Customer Service or by writing to the Data Controller’s address.

In order to ensure that our users’ data are not subject to breaches or unlawful uses by third parties, before accepting your request to exercise one of the above-mentioned rights, we ask you for information in order to check your identity.



We protect your personal data by using precise technical and organizational security measures, aimed at preventing the illegal or fraudulent use of your personal data. In particular, we use security measures guaranteeing: pseudonymization or encoding of your data; the confidentiality, integrity and availability of your data as well as the resilience of the processing systems and services; the capacity to retrieve your data in the event of a breach. Moreover, LANVIN agrees to regularly test, check and assess the efficiency of the technical and organizational measures to guarantee the continuous improvement of processing security.



If you believe that your personal data have been processed unlawfully, you may lodge a complaint with the French data protection authority, Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL)  3 Place de Fontenoy - TSA 80715 - 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07

Changes to the Privacy Policy:

The constant development of our services may lead to changes in the characteristics of the processing of your personal data described to date. This Privacy Policy may therefore be subject to changes and additions potentially due to new legal provisions regarding personal data protection.

We, therefore, invite you to regularly check its content: as necessary, we will make our best efforts to inform you quickly of any change to this Privacy Policy and its consequences.

The updated version of this Privacy Policy will, in any event, always be published on this page, with an indication of its most recent update.



Your personal data is processed by JEANNE LANVIN SA in full compliance with the provisions set out in Regulation (EU) 2016/679, the General Data Protection Regulation, the French data protection law, the measures of the French data monitoring authority ( and, as necessary, competent foreign monitoring authorities.




18 - 26, rue Goubet  - 75019 Paris

+33 1 53 38 86 10